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Gonorrhea Drug Resistant

Resistance to antibiotics causes bacteria difficult to cure various diseases, including gonorrhea. If not immediately discovered a new antibiotic, gonorrhea drug resistant estimated 100 percent in the near future.

Gonorrhea is known began to form resistance or resistance to traditional antibiotics such as penicillin and tetracycline since the 1970s. In 1991, another more recent antibiotics namely floroquinolone began ineffective for this disease.

In 2009, the combination of all three types of antibiotics could not cure 25 percent of cases of gonorrhea in the United States. Even in 2010, a disease transmitted through sexual intercourse began to be immune to this latest antibiotoik cephalosphorin.

Gonorrhea is caused by infection with the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhea. The initial phase of infection is often not accompanied by visible symptoms, but if untreated can get worse and cause infertility in men because the urethra and reproductive damage.

In developed countries like the United States, gonorrhea is second most panyak venereal diseases suffered. Transmission occurs through unsafe sex, for example, often bergonta partners without using condoms.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned, gonorrhea is very likely turn into a super germ superbug or if the resistance continues cephalosphorin. If 100 percent of the gonorrhea bacteria resistant to these drugs, then it will be a superbug gonorrhea.

"Resistance against various antibiotics gonorrhea is a warning, it may develop into worse," said Dr. Kimberly Workowski of CDC's Division of venereal disease prevention, as quoted by LiveScience, Wednesday (04/27/2011).

Dr. Workowski said the current gonorrhea who are already immune to generally be overcome with cephalosphorin in an injectable form. If it does not work, there are still some other options ie injection of antibiotics azithromycin and doxycycline.

But it is believed, gonorrhea germs continue to form the immune system so that even this drug is estimated to be no longer impervious to treat it. The only hope is to research new drugs, the CDC now being conducted in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health.
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