Promo Belanja

Additional 30 Years Prison for Breivik

In addition to terrorism charges, accused Anders Breivik Behring was going to have the charges of crimes against humanity. Prosecutors argued that Christian Hatlo news as AP, AFP and Xinhua on Tuesday (07/26/2011). "Crimes against humanity reward the perpetrators of 30 years in prison," said Hatlo told newspaper Aftenposten.

If calculated, Breivik will undergo a 51-year prison. In Condition, all the charges are proven in court.

Nevertheless, prosecutors say Christian Hatlo new indictment with crimes against humanity article, which can be brought under a law of 2008, when this new possibility.

Police spokesman, Sturla Henreiksboe, said, "The police have so far said ... terrorism laws, but not ruled out seeking another indictment."
In another development, the Norwegian justice minister praised the achievements of the police state. "Fantastic. I had the opportunity to thank the police in Oslo and the other districts and other authorities," said Justice Minister Knut Storberget told reporters after holding talks with the head of the Oslo police.
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