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Knowing Triglyceride

Doctors recommend that men and women to check the levels of cholesterol and triglyceride blood fats at least every five years, beginning at age 20 years. Triglycerides are another type of body fat. If excessive amount of triglycerides is also considered to facilitate the formation of atherosclerosis, although the relationship has not been as clear as the number of cholesterol. To know the meaning of your triglyceride test results, consider the following explanation.

Less than 150 mg / dL (Normal)

This means your risk for cardiovascular disease is low. You can keep it always in normal conditions by maintaining ideal body weight remains, exercising regularly, quitting smoking and have a healthy diet.

150mg/dL - 199 mg / dL (upper limit) 

Triglyceride levels in this range is high. Usually caused by lifestyle factors and can still be solved by lifestyle modification. If there are other diseases (such as diabetes, kidney or tirodid), or drugs (eg betablocker or kortisosteroid) that contribute to high triglycerides, you should consult your doctor.

200mg/dl - 499mg/dL (High)

High levels of triglycerides can be caused by a combination of genetic and lifestyle factors. Those in the high category are usually also have heart disease risk factors such as the width of waist circumference or insulin resistance that causes diabetes. Lifestyle changes are the mainstay of therapy that can be done. The drugs sometimes prescribed.

Above 500 mg / dL (Very High)

People who have very high triglyceride levels usually also suffer from type two diabetes and other risk factors for heart disease. If triglyceride levels already exceed 1,000 mg / dl, there will be an increased risk of acute pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas. Very high triglyceride levels are generally treated with lifestyle changes and medications.
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