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Knowing Hepatitis B


Hepatitis B is a serious infection of the liver caused by hepatitis B virus In some people with hepatitis B infection can become chronic and lead to liver failure, liver cancer or liver tissue damage.
Many people who have hepatitis B can be recovered even if the signs and symptoms are severe. Although there is no cure, vaccine can prevent this disease infects you.

Hepatitis B SYMPTOMS

Signs and symptoms of hepatitis B usually appear after two to three months after you are infected and symptoms can vary from mild to severe. Signs and symptoms of hepatitis B include:

• Pain in the stomach area
• dark-colored urine
• Joint pain
• Loss of appetite
• Nausea and vomiting
• Weak and tired
• The skin and whites of the eye area becomes yellow

Causes & Risk Factors

Hepatitis B infection caused by hepatitis B virus is transmitted directly through blood, semen or other body fluids. When the hepatitis B virus into the liver, this virus will attack the liver cells and multiply itself. This will cause swelling of the liver and lead to signs and symptoms of infection with hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B virus transmitted by:
• Sexual intercourse
• Sharing needles
• Direct contact with blood
• Decreased from mother to child

Risk factors

The risk of hepatitis B will increase if you:
• Having sexual intercourse with different partners without the use of safety devices
• Having sexual intercourse with a person infected with hepatitis B without the use of safety devices
• Having a sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea or Chlamydia
• Sharing needles
• One house with someone who is infected with hepatitis B virus
• Having a job that brought you the possibility to touch human blood
• Undergoing hemodialysis (dialysis)

Hepatitis B Prevention

Consider using hepatitis B vaccine
Everyone can use a hepatitis B vaccine, including the infants, adults and those with weak immune systems. Side effects include swelling at the injection site.
Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended at:

• All infants
• All children and adolescents who have not been vaccinated
• People who have sexually transmitted diseases
• Health care workers and others who frequently come into contact with blood
• People who are HIV positive
• a kind of Couple
• People who have sex with multiple partners
• People who have chronic liver disease
• People taking drugs by injection
• People who live with someone who has hepatitis B
• People with kidney disease
• Having sex with someone who has hepatitis B
• People traveling to areas prone to Hepatitis B

Take precautions to prevent hepatitis B virus
Other steps to reduce the risk of getting hepatitis B are:
• Do not perform sexual intercourse without a safety device unless you are sure your partner does not have hepatitis B or other sexually transmitted infections.

• Always use a new condom each time you have sex

• Stop using drugs

• Beware of body piercing and tattoos

• Ask for hepatitis B vaccine to your doctor before traveling far

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