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We Should Pay Attention to Mental Health Day

mental health day

About World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health.

The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide.

World Mental Health Day, which is supported by the United Nations (UN), is annually held on October 10 to raise public awareness about mental health issues worldwide. This event promotes open discussions on illnesses, as well as investments in prevention and treatment services.

In theory, taking into account cultural differences and country-specific conditions, it deals with the epidemiology of mental disorders in different countries, their treatment options, mental health education, political and financial aspects, the structure of mental health care systems, human resources in mental health, and human rights issues among others.

The overall aim of the field of global mental health is to strengthen mental health all over the world by providing information about the mental health situation in all countries, and identifying mental health care needs in order to develop cost-effective interventions to meet those specific needs.

About Serious Mental Illness

Schizophrenia: Schizophrenia affects people from all walks of life, usually young people between the ages of 15 and 30. Not everyone will experience the same symptoms, but some symptoms of schizophrenia, such as hearing voices, are common to many. Schizophrenia alters the way people think and feel, so that perceptions may be changed and thinking can be disturbed. This is very disabling for them and very distressing for their families, who often become the primary caregivers.

With modern medical treatment, opportunities for rehabilitation, and the support of family and friends, schizophrenia need not be as feared as it was in the past. Some more information can be seen in the first 3 Information Paper under Publications. .

Depression: A depressive disorder can affect your whole self, from the way you eat and sleep to how you feel and think about yourself. Some of the main symptoms of depression are: depressed mood; diminished interest in life; insomnia; fatigue; weight loss/ gain; diminished concentration.

Depression can affect a person at any time in his life from adolescence or youth to advanced age. It may be of short duration, or continue for months or years, or it may appear episodically at different times during a person's life. Some people fully recover, while others may suffer throughout their lives.

Bipolar Disorder: The disorder is one of severe mood changes from depression, excessively low mood to mania, excessively high mood. It cannot be compared to normal changes in mood experienced by most people. It can be very destructive, causing disruption in relationships, loss of work, financial difficulties (it is often associated by excessive spending). People may experience either mania or depression for many weeks or months before they change. In other cases, called rapid cycling, moods swing daily and are very difficult to deal with.

In some cases manic or depressive symptoms can be accompanied by psychotic symptoms.

Stigma and Discrimination

Stigma and discrimination against people with schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses was identified as the number one issue for families.

Stigma is based on ignorance and stereotyping , and leads to acts of discrimination. It effects every aspect of the lives of people with serious mental illness and their families.

Days like today at the very least, bring global attention to an important conversation and provide an opportunity for people to share and speak up more publicly about their own experiences.

Maybe today is about the recognition that you have the power to create an environment for your own personal mental health that feels healthy, sustainable and fulfilling – just as much as you would do with your physical health. And to feel more okay to start a conversation about it.

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